Shifting Habits

Shifting Habits

Shifting Habits

For sure, each of us thinks about changing some of our daily habits. Every human being belongs some habits which are not positive. They affect the person’s life in unproductive ways. This article tries to provide a step-by-step process in order to apply healthier habits in our daily lives. Firstly, let’s define THE HABIT. Referring to psychological definition a habit is a behavior that has been practiced so. When a person wants to learn something, he/she do it consciously several times. And through these practices his/her intelligent mind learns the pattern.
It is the time when the person is able to carry the task automatically and the behavior has become a HABIT. The process of changing a habit may be challenging. So many people may not go through the whole process of changing the habit. Three principles help the process to become easier. The first principle is to notice that the habit is already learnt. The second principle is to replace the unhealthy habit with a healthy one. And the third principle is focusing on the healthy behavior the person wants to build. So let’s start our journey toward creating healthy habits. The first step is to pay our whole focus on the healthy behavior. And write down the healthy behavior we like to build. Though you should discuss your options with your doctor and sale cialis for order inform him about all the products you use (including prescriptiondrugs, nonprescription drugs, and herbal products). I will introduce to you simply: Stagnation and blood stasis are the main disease buy cialis of the prostate that is found in the seminal fluid and the bloodstream. According to statistics, the main causes of reproductive disorders can be well cured by consuming herbal fertility pills. cialis tadalafil generico Kamagra jelly provides improvement in cGMP substance and blood circulation. viagra australia mastercard By writing down the healthy habit we become aware and focused on the behavior we like to build. Next step is to identify things that we need to concentrate on. Each behavior is constructed on small particles. And in order to create the behavior we should know what those particles are. And then consciously work on those in order to gain mastery over them. The third step is to practice the behavior every single day. By practicing the behavior through period of time it becomes habit. It is critical to keep diary in order to follow our progress. We should determine and put time every day and practice the behavior. Also, once in a while we should assess our progress.
The next step is to write down what we have learned to do. Now, you have conscious mastery and it is easy to turning it into a habit. As the final step, is to transfer the new behavior to an automatic one. How a new behavior will be shifted to an automatic behavior. The key answer is PRACTICE. Each time a person practice the behavior by doing it, the mind builds a pathway that gets stronger with repetition. And over the time the new behavior will become a natural habit.

Posted in Self Help permalink

About Mitra Ordibehesht

Mitra helps Ali administer and serves as the co-editor of She is a bilingual linguist and interested about exploring different cultures specifically Middle Eastern culture She migrated to United States in Jan 2006. Her favorite hobby is spending time with family and friends. She works as a tutor who teaches Farsi to non-native speakers of Farsi.

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